
class Builder @JvmOverloads constructor(title: Text, spacingW: Int = 4, spacingH: Int = spacingW)

Builds a PopupWidget from provided Elements and layout

All popups will come with a title widget Top Center of the layout. The next added element will key off this, or to manually layout off of it, use "title" as the element parent







Text - the header title shown at the top of the popup


Int, optional - Defines the default horizontal padding between elements. Defaults to 4


Int, optional - Defines the default vertical padding between elements. Defaults to using the value from spacingW


import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.LastSelectable
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.widget.PopupWidget
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.screen.widget.internal.CustomButtonWidget
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Element
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement
import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget
import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextWidget
import net.minecraft.text.Text
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier

fun main() { 
   // builds and pushes an example popup widget to a PopupParentElement
// start with the builder. The title will be displayed at the top of the popup like a windows window title
// dy default the horizontal and vertical padding will be 4px; it can be changed here too
val popup = PopupWidget.Builder(Text.translatable(""))
    //you can add horizontal dividers between content. it automatically justifies to the popup width
    //adds a basic element. give it a unique name, and position it
    //this element is positioned below the last added element (the divider in this case), and aligned centered in the popup
    .addElement("text_element", TextWidget(Text.translatable(""), MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer).alignCenter(),
        PopupWidget.Builder.Position.BELOW, PopupWidget.Builder.Position.ALIGN_CENTER)
    //adds a button, this element is below the "text_element" one, and aligned left in the popup bounds
    .addElement("button_1", CustomButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("")) { b-> }.size(50, 44).build(),
        PopupWidget.Builder.Position.BELOW, PopupWidget.Builder.Position.ALIGN_LEFT )
    //a second button, this one is aligned horizontal to the top edge of the "button_1" element,
    //aligns to the right of the widget window and is stretched to meet the closest element to its left ("button_1" in this case)
    .addElement("button_2", CustomButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("")) { b-> }.size(50, 20).build(),
        PopupWidget.Builder.Position.ALIGN_RIGHT_AND_JUSTIFY, PopupWidget.Builder.Position.HORIZONTAL_TO_TOP_EDGE)
    //repeat that with button 3, this time aligned to "button_1" bottom edge
    //this element has a defined parent (button_1), instead of automatically picking the last element
    .addElement("button_3", CustomButtonWidget.builder(Text.translatable("")) { b-> }.size(50, 20).build(), "button_1",
        PopupWidget.Builder.Position.ALIGN_RIGHT_AND_JUSTIFY, PopupWidget.Builder.Position.HORIZONTAL_TO_BOTTOM_EDGE)
    //there is a special method for adding a "Done" button, this also takes "button_1" as its parent in this case
    //it will automatically align below the parent element and justify across the entire width of the widget
    .addDoneWidget(parent = "button_1")
    //popups can be positioned relative to various contexts.
    //in this case we are using the screen as context, positioning it 100px from the bottom right edge of the screen
    //the context method will bound the popup within the screen if the widget is bigger than 100x100
    .positionX(PopupWidget.Builder.screenContext{ w -> w - 100 })
    .positionY(PopupWidget.Builder.screenContext{ h -> h - 100 })
    //tells the popup to not render a blur behind it
    //clicking outside of this widget won't close it automatically (which is default behavior)
    //provide a custom background like so.
    //make sure the texture is a nine-patch texture, and the popup will expect 8 pixels of border and padding before content
    .background(Identifier("my_mod", "my_custom_background"))
    //create the popup!

//Last step: push the popup to screen, the PopupWidget API will push the popup onto an open PopupParentElement screen, if any


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constructor(title: Text, spacingW: Int = 4, spacingH: Int = spacingW)


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sealed interface Position

A layout position to apply to a popup element

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Default position BiFunctions that can be used with positionX and positionY


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Adds a horizontal divider below the last element, or defined parent

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fun addDoneButton(pressAction: ButtonWidget.PressAction = ButtonWidget.PressAction{ pop() }, parent: String? = null, spacingH: Int = 4): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds a "Done" button below the previously added element, or below the defined parent

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fun addDoneWidget(pressAction: Consumer<CustomButtonWidget> = Consumer { pop() }, parent: String? = null, spacingH: Int = 4): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds a "Done" button below the previously added element, or below the defined parent

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fun <E : Widget> addElement(id: String, element: E, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element, automatically keyed off the last added element (or "title" if this is the first added element). Uses the default padding.

fun <E : Widget> addElement(id: String, element: E, parent: String, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element, keyed off a manually defined parent element. Uses the default padding.

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fun <E : Widget> addElementSpacedBoth(id: String, element: E, spacingW: Int, spacingH: Int, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element with custom vertical and horizontal padding, automatically keyed off the last added element (or "title" if this is the first added element)

fun <E : Widget> addElementSpacedBoth(id: String, element: E, parent: String, spacingW: Int, spacingH: Int, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element with custom vertical and horizontal padding, keyed off a manually defined parent element.

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fun <E : Widget> addElementSpacedH(id: String, element: E, spacingH: Int, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element with custom vertical padding, automatically keyed off the last added element (or "title" if this is the first added element)

fun <E : Widget> addElementSpacedH(id: String, element: E, parent: String, spacingH: Int, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element with custom vertical padding, keyed off a manually defined parent element.

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fun <E : Widget> addElementSpacedW(id: String, element: E, spacingW: Int, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element with custom horizontal padding, automatically keyed off the last added element (or "title" if this is the first added element)

fun <E : Widget> addElementSpacedW(id: String, element: E, parent: String, spacingW: Int, vararg positions: PopupWidget.Builder.Position): PopupWidget.Builder

Adds an element with custom horizontal padding, keyed off a manually defined parent element.

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Appends a custom narration message to the end of the Popup title.

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fun background(id: Identifier): PopupWidget.Builder

Defines a custom background texture for the popup. Should be a Nine Slice texture

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Builds this builder

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Defines a manual height for the widget. Will override any automatic sizing computations for height

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The widget won't apply a layer of blur behind it when rendering.

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The widget won't close if a click misses its bounding box. Normal behavior closes the popup on a missed click.

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Defines an action to perform when this widget is closed

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Defines the X positioner function for this widget, X being the left edge of the widget, border included.

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Defines the Y positioner function for this widget, Y being the top edge of the widget, border included.

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Defines a manual width for the widget. Will override any automatic sizing computations for width